Be A Daily Language Advocate

Be a Language Advocate Every Day

Being an advocate does not have to take much of your time, but every minute you spend could be worth 5 times that if your program is in jeopardy.

Reaching your various publics

  • Publicize your program – buttons, brochures

Advocacy in the classroom and in the school community


  • Involve in classroom
  • Send out blurbs about early language learning


  • Invite into the classroom.
  • Ask to help with special events such as a fantasy trip.
  • Make copies of student work and put in their box.

School Board/Superintendent

  • Invite them to your classroom.
  • Have children write post cards in the target language about something they are studying.
  • Send examples of student work: PowerPoint presentations, etc.


  • Invite them to your classroom.
  • Make calls when things are going right!
  • Send home postcards.
  • Send home newsletters.
  • Set up a website.
  • Add blurbs to the school newsletter.
  • Send home student work in bunches with an explanation attached.
  • INFORMANCES (An informance is different from a performance because it is a “normal” language class.)

Advocacy beyond the school

  • Take your students out into the community.
  • Invite the newspaper to class.
  • Set up your own website.