NYSAFLT Summer Institute 2021 ~ FLES Strand 2021-July 29 to August 5

NYSAFLT Summer Institute 2021 ~ FLES Strand 2021-July 29 to August 5

July 29, 2021 August 5, 2021

NYSAFLT Summer Institute 2021 ~ FLES Strand 2021-July 29 to August 5



This year our FLES strand will be spread over several workshops throughout the week (Workshops #6, #10, #16, and #19). Our amazing presenters are Flor Berman, Dr. Tori Gilbert, Samara Spielberg, Stephen Krawec, Glenda de Hoyos, Dr. Helena Curtain, and Rebecca Aubrey. While these workshops will be presented with a focus on the early language community, we are confident that they will also appeal to a broad audience of educators from other levels!

To register click herehttps://nysaflt.org/summer-institute-2021/

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